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A question I’m frequently asked is: “Have you been trained to sing ?” The answer is “No.”
Some times I sing operatically. I don’t think I can sing opera. The style is something I’ve taught myself.

When I was a kid, I got kicked out of assembly in one school for singing “All things Bright And Beautiful” like a female opera singer. I think I’d picked it up from watching the film “The Great Caruso” (Maria Lanza) and “The Secret of The Incas” (Yma Sumac) on the telly.  I used to imitate Johnny Weismuller’s Tarzan call and Stan Laurel singing (On The Trail of The Lonesome Pine).

I sang in a large multi-school choir in Manchester while in secondary, and then later in non-auditioning choirs as a tenor. Mozart’s Requiem, Elgar’s Dream of “Gruntius” and Orff’s Carmina Barama are amongst my favourites. At Uni I sang in two rock bands and then worked as a singing telegram for 6 months after graduating.

Johny Weismuller the first TV tarzan and olympic
swimming gold medalist

Laurel and Hardy: Trail Of The Lonesome Pine
Watch from about 51 secs

Yma Sumac: Tumpa

Maria Lanza

Sweet: Block Buster (glam-rockers turned every
performance into one great big party)

This one is just one of my favourites:
George Harrison: My Sweet Lord – Number one in 1971

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