This page is still being developed
I owe special thanks to the following informal sponsors:
Martyn Johnson
Paul Nocher (Loan of a recording system and condenser mic and music journalism)..
Andy Manners from Vintage and Rare Guitars, Bath (Custom guitar work) ..
Niel Gay from The Cedar (Getting me up on myspace, tech work and the long term loan of a guitar) ..
Steff from Riffs Music Shop, Stroud (Pedal board work) ..
Sprogg (Mixing and CD production) ..
Anver Anders (CD production and marketing) ..
Steve Forward (Pedal board design, advice and web help)..
Martin Tompkins (Photography and artwork) ..
Johny Heart (Photography and artwork) ..
Ed Hutchins (Photography) ..
Barnaby (Photography) ..
Ian Clutterbuck (Film production and editing) ..
Andy Cottle (Filming) ..
Chuck McQuillan..
Philippa Toop (management)..
Tom & Ruth McNaire..
Husqvana Studio, Bath (sewing equipment)
Rob Spalding (long term loan of a guitar)..
Greg Beadle (the gift of a loop machine)..
Terry from Headingham Music Night (Graphic Design) ..
Simon the upholsterer..
Corrie Schrijver (leather)..
Dominic Allen (leather)..
Charley Allen (Music Journalism)..
More to follow – This page will be updated soon
Thanks to the management of Moles Night Club and Invention Studios for the use of their locations for photo-shoots.
Special thanks also go to the following who recently helped with my van appeal:
Martyn Johnson
Chuck McQuillan
John Harrington
Jane Salt
Ross abates
Frances Powell
Howard Coleman
Glyn Hale
Paul Beck
Diane Billinghurst
Duncan Baty
Gerry Albrow