Work on the double neck guitar
In a couple of days, I’m going to be installing a single coil pickup along side the humbucking Dimarzios on my top guitar for some harsher edge, but also for a split signal and all the exciting experimental possibilities of treating the signals from the two sets of pickups differently. Will be working on blends of amp sounds but also physical separation of effects in the live context.
Sound Spacialisation
During my album launch in November last year, I made my first attempt at sound spacialisation, sending looped voices to different parts of a large room. It went well – people enjoyed it. Going to be pushing that further this year, with a gig booked at in a theatre in Stafford in May (plenty of time to plan something really special!!!) The split signal from the top guitar will also play a part in this.
2013 feels like it’s going to be a stonker of a year, now that I’ve got space to work in, and the bookings are starting to come in.
25/02/2013 – The guitar has gone into the workshop – Couple of days and it’ll be ready.